Classmate's Photos and Latest Updates
My wonderful wife, Alice, and I celebrated our 39th anniversary last week Aug. 9th. Also, in February of '07, we we were blessed with a new Grandchild. Kaitlyn Marie Abbey came to join her older brother, Spencer. Spencer is now 5 yrs. old, and just started Kindergarten this week. We have been talking about coming up to Corn Day this year, and think it would be great to have a float for all of us hitting the BIG 60. I will do that next Saturday, Aug. 23. Please pray for me.
It was sad to hear of the passing of several of our classmates parents. I lost my Dad about 16 yrs ago, but Mom is 81 and still doing well.

We are still living in Nashville, Tn and are both still working. My wife has 31 yrs in with the State of Tennessee, and plans to work at least three more. I have been in the paint business for over 35 yrs, selling paint, not applying it, and had planned to retire at the end of this year, but looks like I might have to work one more.